Dewo Shalahuddin

Oh, Hello there! Didn’t think you’d actually open this page, huh? Well, since you’re here, let me introduce myself!

I’m Dewo Shalahuddin, the guy behind 47Kills, What do I do? Well, I whip up killer Illustration and graphic designs, mostly for merchandise and apparel. Think bold designs inspired by traditional tattoos, retro vibes, and those old-school cartoons we all secretly still love. Yep, that’s my jam!

Now, a little fun fact about me, I’m an art school drop out (don’t tell my mom), but hey, I thaught myself everything I know, and I’ve been turning that passion into projects that make people go Wow! What started as a fun hobby has grown into an awesome career, working with some of the coolest folks out there

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